English Olympiad Season-5

English Olympiad Bangladesh Season-5

English Olympiad Bangladesh (Season-5 Registration)

 English Olympiad™  Season-5 (Selection Rounds)

Registration is going on…

[] Registration form:  (Please CLICK to see the form)

[] Deadline:  20th April 2025  11.59 PM

Registration is going on…

This form is for Season 5

We will update you about the Selection Date and Venue soon. 

Any students from any grade can register under these groups:

  • 1. Beginners (3-5 Years)
    2. Kids (6-8 Years) 
    3. Small Starts (3-5 Classes/ Grades) 
    4. Juniors (6-8 classes/ Grades) 
    5. High Flyers (9- 10 classes/ Grades/ O-Level) 
    6. Trailblazers (11-12 classes/ Grades/ A-Level) and

Age groups are based on 2025 classes.

The selection Round date will be announced via SMS, email, and website announcement.

[] This competition has 3 rounds: Selection Round, Theater Round, and Grand Finale.
[] Participants will get:
A Certificate of Participation

Registration Fee:
[] BDT 310 (online)

Click to Pay:


1. bKash Payment Service:
Payment bKash Number: 01903961204 (Merchant )
[] Dial *247#
[] Select 4 (Payment option)
[] Type 1 in the Reference option
[] Type 1 in the Counter option

*2. bKash Personal Numbers for #Send_Money(can be sent from any personal)/ #Cash_In (can be sent from any agent shop) Option:
[] Numbers: 01850880613, 01903961205

Multiple registrations can be made using ONE bKash Number.
So, you can do it with friends and relatives.

For Details:
[] Email: englisholympiadbd@gmail.com
[] Website: www.englisholympiad.net
[] International students may inbox us for further information.

Registration Fee:
[] BDT 310 (online)

[] Participants will get:
A Certificate of Participation, A word-class English Olympiad Experience.

Supportive Materials (BOOKS)
English Olympiad preparation books are 1. English Mania and 2. English Mania-2 by DAVID SOLOMON available at https://jabpublication.com/
Please contact for books:

Institutional Registration:
An institution may register many students at a time by contacting us here at info@englisholympiad.net or englisholympiadbd@gmail.com
  • রেজিস্ট্রেশন:
    বিকাশ করে (310 TK) Trx ID + যেই নাম্বার থেকে বিকাশ করা হয়েছে তা লিখে রেখে তারপর ফর্ম লিংকএ ঢুকে ফর্ম ফিলাপ করা সহজ।
  • আপনি যদি ফর্মটি পূরণ করে থাকেন তাহলে সেখানে সাবমিট বাটন ক্লিক করার পর পরই একটি কনফার্মেশন এবং নির্দেশনা থাকে।
    We will send you an email to print just before the Selection Round. If the form is submitted, you are done with registration and we will surely contact you from time to time.
  • N.B: Selected participants will register for the Theater Round that will be held in Dhaka. Last time ( In Season 3) we took a fee (BDT 2040) for Theater Round as well for their Snacks (2 times), Lunch, A world-class Medal, a Souvenir with Participants’ pictures, a Certificate of Achievement, an EO badge, and other logistics.

(English Olympiad Registration fee is not refundable. This is an exam fee for managing these all.)

  • There are 3 rounds in this competition: Selection Round, Theater Round, and Grand Finale.


  • E-mail:         englisholympiadbd@gmail.com