English Olympiad Season 4 Selection Round Results, Trailblazers Group Dhaka

English Olympiad Season 4 Selection Round Results, Trailblazers Group Dhaka

We have published the names alphabetically rather than based on their marks.

All the selected participants can register for the Day-long Theater Round in Dhaka in a special arrangement. We will provide them Snacks (2 times), Lunch for Students and Guardians, A world-class Medal, a Mental Health T-Shirt, a Free ‘Think in English’ Course Worth 12000 BDT, 5 practical sessions, a Studio Record, A magazine with pictures of Achievers, a Certificate of Achievement, an EO badge, and other logistics.

English Olympiad Season 4 Theater Rounds

Name Institute Candidate Number Result
A. Z. M. Emtenan Kabir Dhaka Residential Model College EOS4TBDHK199 Not Selected
Aafna Islam South Breeze School EOS4TBDHK75 Not Selected
Abdul Muyeed Khan Aga Khan Academy Dhaka EOS4TBDHK442 Not Selected
Abdullah Al Kabir Government Laboratory High School EOS4TBDHK320 Not Selected
Abdullah Al Munem Muhtasim Cantonment Public School and College,Saidpur EOS4TBDHK395 Selected for The National Theater Round
Abdullah Al Munem Muhtasim Cantonment Public School and College,Saidpur EOS4TBDHK439 Not Selected
Abdullah Al Munem Muhtasim Cantonment Public School and College EOS4TBDHK441 Not Selected
Abdullah Ibn Hakim National Ideal college EOS4TBDHK23 Selected for The National Theater Round
Abdullah Khalid Saint Joseph Higher Secondary School EOS4TBDHK281 Not Selected
Abir Mahmud Chowdhury Abdul Kadir Mollah City College EOS4TBDHK444 Selected for The National Theater Round
Abrar Jawad Mojumder Abdul kadir molla the International School EOS4TBDHK401 Not Selected
Abtahi Ahsan Mile stone School & College Dhaka EOS4TBDHK36 Not Selected
Abtahi Ahsan EOS4TBDHK438 Not Selected
Abu Saleh Birshreshtha Munshi Abdur Rouf public College, Dhaka EOS4TBDHK341 Not Selected
Adib Rahman Anan Maple leaf international school & college EOS4TBDHK205 Not Selected
Adiba Ashraf Viqarunnisa Noon School & College EOS4TBDHK84 Selected for The National Theater Round
Aditya Devnath Abdul Kadir Mollah City College EOS4TBDHK403 Not Selected
Adiva Sadia Kabir Viqarunnisa Noon School And College EOS4TBDHK279 Not Selected
Aflah Haque Towa Ssc batch 23- Ideal school and College EOS4TBDHK140 Not Selected
Afra Ibnat South Point College EOS4TBDHK352 Not Selected
Afrida Ajrin Dhaka Cantonment Girl’s Public School and College EOS4TBDHK173 Not Selected
Afsana Islam EOS4TBDHK46 Selected for The National Theater Round
Afsana Yesmin Ety Rajuk Uttara Model College EOS4TBDHK60 Not Selected
Afsana Yesmin Ety Rajuk Uttara Model College EOS4TBDHK433 Not Selected
Afsara Parvez Raisa National Ideal college,Khilgaon EOS4TBDHK171 Not Selected
Ahanaf Habib Mastermind EOS4TBDHK152 Selected for The National Theater Round
Ahnaf Atif Nawab Habibullah School and College EOS4TBDHK109 Not Selected
Ahnaf Bhuiyan Sami Narsingdi BIAM Zila School & College EOS4TBDHK386 Not Selected
Ahnaf Eaas Onadi Rajuk Uttara Model College EOS4TBDHK298 Selected for The National Theater Round
Ahnaf Hossain Khan Private EOS4TBDHK196 Not Selected
Ahnaf Jarir Rajuk Uttara Model College EOS4TBDHK361 Selected for The National Theater Round
Ahnaf Tahmid Bhuiyan Mastermind English Medium School EOS4TBDHK13 Not Selected
Ahnaf Tahmid Uddin Dhaka Residential Model College EOS4TBDHK283 Not Selected
Ahona Karim Holy Cross College EOS4TBDHK107 Not Selected
Ahona Tasnim Anuva BAF Shaheen College Kurmitola EOS4TBDHK252 Not Selected
Ahona Tasnim Anuva BAF Shaheen College Kurmitola EOS4TBDHK435 Not Selected
Ahoshab-Uz-Zaman Aryan Dhaka Residential Model College EOS4TBDHK331 Not Selected
Aikya Roy (ঐক্য রায় ) Notre Dame College EOS4TBDHK313 Not Selected
Akil Ahmed Chowdhury Dhaka Residential Model College EOS4TBDHK274 Not Selected
Amena Amin Keya Sardar Suruzzamam Mohila College EOS4TBDHK284 Not Selected
Amina Bushra Australian International School Dhaka EOS4TBDHK142 Not Selected
Amrin Hasan EOS4TBDHK388 Selected for The National Theater Round
Anasuya Dey Rajdhani Mohila College EOS4TBDHK325 Not Selected
Aniqa Saraf Shaheed Bir Uttam Lt Anwar Girls College EOS4TBDHK41 Selected for The National Theater Round
Anisha Chowdhury ABC International school EOS4TBDHK133 Not Selected
Anka Mustahsin Ideal School And College, Dhaka 1000 EOS4TBDHK253 Not Selected
Antara Arefin Private EOS4TBDHK161 Not Selected
Apurba Roopkotha Aporupa N/A (Private A-Levels Candidate) EOS4TBDHK15 Selected for The National Theater Round
Areebah Nawar Anwar South Breeze School EOS4TBDHK56 Selected for The National Theater Round
Areebah Ozara Elham S.F.X. Greenherald International School EOS4TBDHK68 Not Selected
Arefin Sadek Dania College EOS4TBDHK04 Selected for The National Theater Round
Arham Ahbab Sayed Sunnydale EOS4TBDHK312 Not Selected
Arian Banani bidda niketon EOS4TBDHK309 Not Selected
Arik Mubarrat Hossain Rajuk Uttara Model College EOS4TBDHK190 Not Selected
Aroni Anuva Khan Sunnydale EOS4TBDHK103 Selected for The National Theater Round
Arpita Saha Ratri Birshreshtha Noor Mohammad Public College EOS4TBDHK180 Not Selected
Ashraful Islam EOS4TBDHK172 Not Selected
Assadul Jaman Alif Dhaka Imperial College EOS4TBDHK153 Selected for The National Theater Round
Aswad An Noor Dhaka city college EOS4TBDHK427 Not Selected
Atia Afrin Abdul Kadir Mollah City College EOS4TBDHK384 Selected for The National Theater Round
Atiya Adeeba Bangladesh International School and College, Nirjhor EOS4TBDHK356 Selected for The National Theater Round
Attif Sarmila Anika Milestone College EOS4TBDHK39 Selected for The National Theater Round
Audrish Angan Sarkar Academia Outstanding English Medium School EOS4TBDHK183 Not Selected
Ayesha Ferdous Faiza Mirpur Cantonment Public School & College EOS4TBDHK336 Not Selected
Aziza Shadaf Etha Adamjee Cantonment College EOS4TBDHK165 Not Selected
Azmain Fayek Govt. Science College EOS4TBDHK287 Not Selected
Azmain Istiaq Adib EOS4TBDHK05 Not Selected
Azwad Akhlaq Taha Dhaka Residential Model College EOS4TBDHK330 Not Selected
Batool Binte Hanif EOS4TBDHK216 Not Selected
Broja Brota Saha Mastermind English Medium School EOS4TBDHK131 Not Selected
Diponkar Das Dhamrai Hardinge Govt High School & College EOS4TBDHK82 Not Selected
Dipto Bhowmik EOS4TBDHK189 Selected for The National Theater Round
Durriyah Waisal Ruwaida Sir John Wilson school EOS4TBDHK300 Selected for The National Theater Round
Eahsan Abedin EOS4TBDHK248 Not Selected
Efaz Hasan Milestone College EOS4TBDHK240 Selected for The National Theater Round
Ehtesam Uddin Milestone College EOS4TBDHK246 Selected for The National Theater Round
Ekramul Huq ishmam BAF Shaheen college EOS4TBDHK409 Selected for The National Theater Round
Ekramul huq ishmam BAF Shaheen College Dhaka EOS4TBDHK226 Not Selected
Entisha Alam Entu Adamjee Cantonment College EOS4TBDHK230 Not Selected
Esha Rahman EOS4TBDHK249 Not Selected
Esheka Baidya Surna Rajdhani Mohila College EOS4TBDHK327 Not Selected
Ezdihar Marzuque Dhaka City College EOS4TBDHK360 Not Selected
Fabiha Khan Ahon Holy Cross College EOS4TBDHK348 Not Selected
Fabiha Manal Viqarunnisa Noon School and College EOS4TBDHK66 Not Selected
Fabiha Mustakima Niha Manarat Dhaka International School and College EOS4TBDHK203 Not Selected
Fahad Ahammed Engineering University School and College EOS4TBDHK108 Not Selected
Fahim Akram BAF Shaheen College Kurmitola EOS4TBDHK104 Not Selected
Fahmid Xavier Patwary SFX Greenherald International School And College EOS4TBDHK278 Not Selected
Fahmida Abadin Viqarunnisa Noon School and College EOS4TBDHK17 Not Selected
Fahmida Masud Viqarunnisa Noon School and College EOS4TBDHK224 Not Selected
Fahmida Masud Viqarunnisa Noon School and College EOS4TBDHK223 Not Selected
Faiza Farhana Matin EOS4TBDHK55 Selected for The National Theater Round
Faiza Sajedeen private EOS4TBDHK158 Not Selected
Faiza Sharlin Scholars’ school and college EOS4TBDHK49 Selected for The National Theater Round
Faiza Zarin Zaara Holy Cross College EOS4TBDHK306 Not Selected
Fariha Tasnim Noubahini college, Dhaka EOS4TBDHK93 Not Selected
Farjana Mahmud Jenifer Chunkutia Girls’ High School and College EOS4TBDHK54 Selected for The National Theater Round
Farjana Rahman Sadia Viqarunnissa Noon School And College EOS4TBDHK02 Selected for The National Theater Round
Fatima Khan Viqarunnisa Noon School & College EOS4TBDHK229 Not Selected
Fatima Mehzad Viqarunnisa Noon College EOS4TBDHK57 Selected for The National Theater Round
Fayza Sadia SFX Green Herald International School EOS4TBDHK67 Not Selected
Fayza Sadia SFX Green Herald International School EOS4TBDHK69 Not Selected
Feroza Yeasmin. Scholars international school and college. EOS4TBDHK424 Selected for The National Theater Round
Fuad Kabir Baharpur Degree College EOS4TBDHK270 Not Selected
G. M. Atique Anjum University of Dhaka EOS4TBDHK76 Not Selected
Gazi Mahadia Anan Adamjee Cantonment College EOS4TBDHK24 Selected for The National Theater Round
Gazi Mahadia Anan Adamjee Cantonment College EOS4TBDHK25 Not Selected
Hafsa Binte Alam Raisa Viqarunnisa Noon School And College EOS4TBDHK218 Not Selected
Hasibul Islam Sourov Birshreshtha Munshi Abdur Rouf Public College EOS4TBDHK269 Not Selected
Hridvee Ahmed Willes Little Flower School and College EOS4TBDHK123 Selected for The National Theater Round
Humaira Afia Orthy International School Dhaka EOS4TBDHK31 Not Selected
Humaira Mehdee Premier School Dhaka EOS4TBDHK214 Not Selected
Humayra Kamal Sir John Wilson EOS4TBDHK155 Selected for The National Theater Round
Hunain Ahmed Daremi International Hope School EOS4TBDHK333 Not Selected
Husna Nailah Oxford International School EOS4TBDHK74 Not Selected
Ibrahim Bhuiyan Narsingdi BIAM Zila School & College EOS4TBDHK380 Selected for The National Theater Round
Iftekhar Alam Dhaka Imperial College EOS4TBDHK105 Not Selected
Irfan Sadik Eusha Rajdhani Mohila College EOS4TBDHK324 Not Selected
Irtiza Arnub Milestone College EOS4TBDHK53 Not Selected
Istiak Hasan Oxford English medium school and college EOS4TBDHK323 Not Selected
Jannat Islam Dhola Ideal School and College, Motijheel EOS4TBDHK177 Not Selected
Jannatul ferdous BAF Shaheen collage Kurmitola EOS4TBDHK308 Not Selected
Jannatul ferdous BAF Shaheen collage Kurmitola EOS4TBDHK436 Not Selected
JANNATUL FERDOUS St. Francis Xavier’s Girls School and college EOS4TBDHK118 Not Selected
Jarif Ahmed Legend International School EOS4TBDHK48 Not Selected
JARIF FERDOUS Birshreshtha Noor Mohammad Public College EOS4TBDHK117 Not Selected
Jarin Subha Orpa Viqarunnisa Noon School and College EOS4TBDHK145 Not Selected
Jason Dhaki BACHA English Medium School EOS4TBDHK225 Selected for The National Theater Round
Joayeriah Layeba Addrita Dhaka Cantonment girls public school and college EOS4TBDHK98 Not Selected
Jubairya Alam rupontee Kalkini syed Abuk Hossain College EOS4TBDHK219 Selected for The National Theater Round
Juwairia Ahmed Lords- An English Medium School EOS4TBDHK412 Selected for The National Theater Round
Kaberi Halder Tejgaon Mohila College EOS4TBDHK207 Not Selected
Kaniz Fatema Sochi Abdul Kadir Mollah City College EOS4TBDHK387 Selected for The National Theater Round
Karna Ghose Notre Dame College EOS4TBDHK80 Not Selected
Kasfia Azad Holy Cross College EOS4TBDHK293 Selected for The National Theater Round
Kazi Aftab Anzir Mirpur Cantonment Public School & College EOS4TBDHK160 Not Selected
kazi ananna islam kathy Dhaka Cantonment Girls Public School and College EOS4TBDHK65 Not Selected
Khadiza Tut Tahira Holy cross college EOS4TBDHK410 Selected for The National Theater Round
Khalid Imdad Ruposh South Breeze School EOS4TBDHK58 Not Selected
Khan Tausif Musharat Turjo Notre Dame College,Dhaka EOS4TBDHK272 Not Selected
Khandakar Towhidur Rahman Abdul Kadir Mollah City College EOS4TBDHK374 Not Selected
Labiba Jannati Tuba Monipur High School and College EOS4TBDHK150 Not Selected
Lamisa Rashid Dhaka Commerce College EOS4TBDHK102 Selected for The National Theater Round
Lamiya Islam Holy cross college EOS4TBDHK365 Not Selected
Lohani Ibtida Fyruz Viqarunnisa Noon School and College EOS4TBDHK343 Not Selected
Lubabah Chowdhury Private EOS4TBDHK138 Not Selected
Lutfunnahar labonno Pakundia Govt. College EOS4TBDHK06 Not Selected
M Ayeatullah Behestee St.Joseph Higher Secondary School EOS4TBDHK96 Not Selected
Madiha Tasha Holy Cross College EOS4TBDHK275 Not Selected
Magdalene Mohima Sarkar Rachel AG. Church School Dhaka EOS4TBDHK366 Selected for The National Theater Round
Mahadi Islam Sena Public School and College EOS4TBDHK88 Not Selected
Mahathir Ahmad Doctor Mahbubur Rahman Mollah College EOS4TBDHK127 Not Selected
Mahbub Hasan Siyam Doctor Mahbubur Rahman Mollah College EOS4TBDHK266 Selected for The National Theater Round
Mahdi Hasan nafi St. Gregory’s high school and college EOS4TBDHK149 Not Selected
Mahdin Ahmed SFX Greenherald International school EOS4TBDHK111 Not Selected
Mahdizaman Abid BAF Shaheen College Dhaka EOS4TBDHK418 Not Selected
Mahir Rahman Sajid Rajuk Uttara Model College EOS4TBDHK191 Not Selected
Mahiul Alam Dr. Mahbubur Rahman Mollah College EOS4TBDHK419 Not Selected
Mahmudul Amin Notre Dame College,Dhaka EOS4TBDHK280 Not Selected
Mahtab Manvee Mastermind English Medium School EOS4TBDHK151 Not Selected
Maimuna Aziz Viqarunnisa Noon School & College EOS4TBDHK244 Not Selected
Maisha Chowdhury Viqarunnisa noon school and College EOS4TBDHK337 Not Selected
Makjam Khanum Shoha Academia EOS4TBDHK164 Not Selected
Malik Redwan Jain Notre Dame College EOS4TBDHK267 Not Selected
Mariyam Akter Abdul Kadir Mollah City College EOS4TBDHK381 Not Selected
Marufa Zaman Rafa Dhaka cantonment girls public school and college EOS4TBDHK99 Not Selected
Mashfiqur Rahman Bhuiyan Saad Dhaka Residential Model College EOS4TBDHK307 Not Selected
Mashiat Islam Legend International School EOS4TBDHK18 Not Selected
Maslinia Tahsin Audri Navy Anchorage School and College Dhaka EOS4TBDHK305 Not Selected
Masnad Ali Mihad Dhaka College EOS4TBDHK120 Not Selected
Masrur Rahman Shah Notredame College EOS4TBDHK63 Not Selected
MD Hera Mia Govt. Tolaram College EOS4TBDHK318 Not Selected
Md Kaykobad Hossain Motijheel Govt. Boys’ High School EOS4TBDHK116 Not Selected
MD MAHMUDUL HAQUE Notre Dame College EOS4TBDHK30 Selected for The National Theater Round
Md Nahid Hasan Khan Bahadur Awlad Hossen Khan College EOS4TBDHK106 Not Selected
Md Nasibur Rahman Notre Dame College, Dhaka EOS4TBDHK91 Not Selected
Md Rahat Mollik Government Tolaram College EOS4TBDHK321 Selected for The National Theater Round
Md Zahidul Islam Adamjee Cantonment College EOS4TBDHK28 Selected for The National Theater Round
MD. ABDULLAH AL TAMIM Mirpur Cantonment public school and College EOS4TBDHK141 Not Selected
Md. Azizul Hakim Government Science College EOS4TBDHK101 Not Selected
Md. Azmain Iqtider Notre Dame College, Dhaka EOS4TBDHK414 Selected for The National Theater Round
Md. Fahad Mridha Sena Public School And College EOS4TBDHK47 Selected for The National Theater Round
Md. Farhan Ali Sarker Abdul Kadir Mollah City College EOS4TBDHK373 Selected for The National Theater Round
Md. Mahabub Siddique Bangladesh University of Professionals EOS4TBDHK277 Selected for The National Theater Round
Md. Mirajul islam mahim Govt. Tolaram college EOS4TBDHK16 Selected for The National Theater Round
MD. Mirajul islam mahim Govt. Tolaram college EOS4TBDHK329 Not Selected
Md. Munsif Zoha Dhaka Residential Model College EOS4TBDHK286 Selected for The National Theater Round
MD. Safwan Bin Rafiq Dhaka Residential Model College EOS4TBDHK194 Not Selected
Md. Shohanur Rahman Siam Ideal College Dhanmondi EOS4TBDHK122 Not Selected
Md. Siam EOS4TBDHK45 Selected for The National Theater Round
Md. Tawhid Ahmed Ony Armed Police Battalion School & College EOS4TBDHK303 Not Selected
Md. Wasikur Rahman Bir Sreshtho Noor Mohammad Public College EOS4TBDHK236 Not Selected
Md.Rifat Hossain Adamjee Cantonment College EOS4TBDHK222 Not Selected
Md.Tanvir Mahtab Mahi Birshreshto Munshi Abdur Rouf Public College EOS4TBDHK238 Not Selected
Md.Tanvir Mahtab Mahi Birshreshto Munshi Abdur Rouf Public College EOS4TBDHK434 Not Selected
Medha Moumita S.F.X. Greenherald Int. School and College EOS4TBDHK01 Not Selected
Mehetab Jebeen Oahee Motijheel Ideal school and college EOS4TBDHK08 Selected for The National Theater Round
Mehjabin Ayesha American Standard International School EOS4TBDHK72 Not Selected
Mehjabin Islam Birshreshtha Munshi Abdur Rouf Public College EOS4TBDHK193 Not Selected
Mehnaz Siddiqui Anonna Dhaka City College EOS4TBDHK85 Not Selected
Mehrab Hossain Tawhid Dr. Mahbubur Rahman Mollah college, Dhaka EOS4TBDHK27 Selected for The National Theater Round
Mehreen Rahman Ruhee Academia EOS4TBDHK70 Not Selected
Merina Karim Sena Public School and College EOS4TBDHK89 Not Selected
Mesbah Uddin Shakir St. Joseph Higher Secondary School EOS4TBDHK35 Selected for The National Theater Round
Mhuoly Larma Thodega Tasveer Academy EOS4TBDHK404 Selected for The National Theater Round
Miftahul Zannat Abdul Kadir Molla International School EOS4TBDHK311 Not Selected
Mir Jafri Ahmed Birsrestha Noor Mohammad Public College EOS4TBDHK59 Not Selected
Mir Jafri Ahmed Birsrestha Noor Mohammad Public College EOS4TBDHK52 Not Selected
Mir Shumaysha Government Zia Mohila College EOS4TBDHK406 Selected for The National Theater Round
Mirza Rifah Tasnia Promi Viqarunnisa Noon School and College EOS4TBDHK261 Selected for The National Theater Round
Misbaul Haque Mridha Dhaka City College EOS4TBDHK114 Not Selected
Miyashjad Tahmee Medha Saint Joseph higher secondary school EOS4TBDHK315 Not Selected
Mohammad Abdul Hasib Zehad Faujdarhat Cadet College EOS4TBDHK137 Not Selected
Mohammad Farhan Mohtasim Dhaka City College EOS4TBDHK113 Not Selected
Mohammad Moin Uddin Govt.Mohammadpur Model School And College EOS4TBDHK62 Not Selected
MOHAMMAD SHAFIULLAH BHUIYAN YEAFE Abdul Kadir Mollah City College EOS4TBDHK396 Not Selected
Mohammad Suhayib Notre Dame College, Dhaka EOS4TBDHK187 Not Selected
Mohimina Jahan Isha Abdul Kadir Molla City College EOS4TBDHK428 Not Selected
Mohona Prima Mirpur Cantonment public school and college EOS4TBDHK416 Not Selected
Mohshana Mehera Abdul Kadir Mollah City College EOS4TBDHK408 Selected for The National Theater Round
MONALISA Holy cross college EOS4TBDHK358 Selected for The National Theater Round
Monasib Rahman Adamjee Cantonment College EOS4TBDHK290 Selected for The National Theater Round
Moontaha Rahman Peyana Mirpur cantonment public school & college EOS4TBDHK128 Not Selected
Mosaab Mohammed Aziz Bangladesh International School & College EOS4TBDHK291 Not Selected
Most.Mishita Akhter Shahid Bir Uttam Lt. Anwar Girl’s College EOS4TBDHK231 Not Selected
Mostara Fagun Rajuk Uttara Model College EOS4TBDHK51 Selected for The National Theater Round
Mridul Hasan Dhaka College EOS4TBDHK195 Selected for The National Theater Round
Mst Jannatul Ferdous Bushra Sena Public School and College EOS4TBDHK86 Not Selected
Mst. Khairun Rahim Abdul Kadir Mollah City College EOS4TBDHK376 Not Selected
Mueid Morshed Aurnib Dhaka City College EOS4TBDHK263 Not Selected
Muhammad Nafis Sadiq Faujdarhat Cadet College EOS4TBDHK317 Not Selected
Muhammad Nuhash Notre Dame College Dhaka EOS4TBDHK362 Selected for The National Theater Round
Munjirena Haque Narsingdi Model College EOS4TBDHK112 Selected for The National Theater Round
Musfiq Husen Khan Saif Abdul Kadir Mollah City College EOS4TBDHK372 Not Selected
Musfiqur Rahman Shaheed Police Smrity College EOS4TBDHK208 Not Selected
Mushfique Kamal Australian International School EOS4TBDHK247 Not Selected
Nabiha Zuwairia Haque South Breeze School EOS4TBDHK40 Not Selected
Nabila Nasir Preema Summerfield International School EOS4TBDHK344 Not Selected
Nadia Islam Jannat Sirajganj Government College EOS4TBDHK167 Not Selected
Naeem Ahamed Notre Dame College,Dhaka EOS4TBDHK178 Selected for The National Theater Round
Nafiz Fuad Raj Notre Dame College,Dhaka EOS4TBDHK345 Selected for The National Theater Round
Naimee Nasreen Viqarunnisa Noon School and College EOS4TBDHK185 Not Selected
Nashita Khan Dhaka cantonment girl public school and college EOS4TBDHK92 Not Selected
NAZIA AFREEN Glenrich International School, Dhaka EOS4TBDHK37 Selected for The National Theater Round
Nazif Tahomid Nabil Abdul Kadir Mollah City College EOS4TBDHK375 Not Selected
Nazmul Alam Nur Rajarbagh Police Lines College EOS4TBDHK292 Not Selected
Nisa Amin Chowdhury Dhaka Cantonment Girls’ Public School And College EOS4TBDHK217 Not Selected
Nishat Tasnim Subha Holy Cross College EOS4TBDHK237 Not Selected
Nobojit Barua Notre Dame College EOS4TBDHK264 Not Selected
Nobonil Mondal Notre Dame College EOS4TBDHK210 Not Selected
Nowrin Islam Niha Oxford International School EOS4TBDHK21 Selected for The National Theater Round
Nowshin Khadiza Haque Atika Feni Girls’ Cadet College EOS4TBDHK296 Not Selected
Nuha Binte Mubin Dhaka city college EOS4TBDHK295 Not Selected
Nupur Das Abdul Kadir Mollah City College EOS4TBDHK390 Selected for The National Theater Round
Nur-E- Hasnat Fahim Notre Dame College EOS4TBDHK411 Selected for The National Theater Round
Nushera Tajrin Nadia Abdul Kadir Mollah City College EOS4TBDHK377 Not Selected
Nusrat Jahan Annie Abdul Kadir Mollah City College EOS4TBDHK432 Not Selected
Nusrat Jahan Annie Abdul Kadir Mollah City College EOS4TBDHK392 Selected for The National Theater Round
Ohi Mohammad Ammar Dr Mahbubur Rahman Mollah College EOS4TBDHK26 Selected for The National Theater Round
Oraina Binte Ali Mastermind School EOS4TBDHK154 Not Selected
Orisha Khandker Abdul kadir Mollah City College Narsingdi EOS4TBDHK368 Not Selected
Prapa Mozumdar Neha Adamjee Cantonment College EOS4TBDHK81 Not Selected
Prionti Bosu Abdul Kader Mollah City College EOS4TBDHK385 Not Selected
Prionty Saha Morning Glory School and College EOS4TBDHK50 Selected for The National Theater Round
Pritam Roy Dhaka Residential Model College EOS4TBDHK181 Not Selected
Pritam Roy Dhaka Residential Model College EOS4TBDHK184 Not Selected
Progga Bhuiyan Viqarunnisa Noon school and college EOS4TBDHK239 Not Selected
Radia Islam Holy Cross College EOS4TBDHK258 Not Selected
Rafia Rahman Shiddheswari Girls’ College EOS4TBDHK188 Not Selected
Rafidah Alam Narsingdi BIAM Zila School & College EOS4TBDHK383 Not Selected
Rafisa Tabassum Rahi British Council (private candidate) EOS4TBDHK347 Selected for The National Theater Round
Ragath Soultana Mika Shamsul Hoque Khan School and College EOS4TBDHK71 Not Selected
Ragib Biswas Dhaka Residential Model College EOS4TBDHK429 Selected for The National Theater Round
Raida Haque Sunnydale EOS4TBDHK143 Not Selected
Raidah Arefin Private EOS4TBDHK159 Selected for The National Theater Round
Raiha Sabat Birshreshtha Noor Mohammad Public College EOS4TBDHK338 Not Selected
Raisa Binte Hasan Anorupa Abdul Kadir Mollah International School EOS4TBDHK357 Selected for The National Theater Round
Raisa Tasnim Holy Cross College EOS4TBDHK276 Not Selected
Ramisa Rubaba Rashed Rajuk Uttara Model College EOS4TBDHK10 Selected for The National Theater Round
Ramisa Rubaba Rashed Rajuk Uttara Model College EOS4TBDHK14 Not Selected
Raojat Reaz private EOS4TBDHK11 Selected for The National Theater Round
Ratul Hasan Adamjee Cantonment College EOS4TBDHK273 Selected for The National Theater Round
Razaanah Zartaj Yazdani Glenrich International School Satarkul EOS4TBDHK34 Selected for The National Theater Round
Redwan Ahmed Academia EOS4TBDHK363 Selected for The National Theater Round
Redwan Kabir Dhaka College EOS4TBDHK83 Not Selected
Reshad Sharif Scholastica EOS4TBDHK132 Not Selected
Rhine Singha SFX Greenherald International School EOS4TBDHK90 Not Selected
Rista Marium Viqarunnisa Noon School and College EOS4TBDHK147 Not Selected
Ritu Paul Abdul Kadir Mollah City College EOS4TBDHK378 Not Selected
Rufaida Fatema Dhaka City College EOS4TBDHK233 Not Selected
Rufaida Fatema DCC EOS4TBDHK310 Not Selected
Ruhan Ur Rahman Govt. Mohammadpur Model School & College EOS4TBDHK221 Not Selected
Rupkonthee Biswas Feni Girls’ Cadet College EOS4TBDHK220 Not Selected
Ryan Mahfujul Islam IBC (Institute Of British Collegiate) EOS4TBDHK61 Selected for The National Theater Round
S M Shad Hasan Govt. Science College EOS4TBDHK124 Not Selected
S. M Tanvir Hossain Sakib Bangladesh International School and College, Mohakhali EOS4TBDHK232 Selected for The National Theater Round
S.M. Ibad Al Masru Military Collegiate School Khulna EOS4TBDHK200 Not Selected
S.M. Mahfuzur Rahman Monim Mohammadpur Preparatory School & College EOS4TBDHK136 Selected for The National Theater Round
Saad Abdullah Edbase EOS4TBDHK77 Not Selected
Saad Abdullah Edbase EOS4TBDHK125 Not Selected
Sabaahat Nudrat Rajuk Uttara Model College EOS4TBDHK257 Not Selected
Sabiha Farhana Eva Holy Cross College EOS4TBDHK346 Not Selected
Sabiha Umme Amrin Holy Cross College EOS4TBDHK166 Not Selected
Sabikun Nahar Jerin Abdul kadir Mollah City College EOS4TBDHK354 Not Selected
Sabrina Sazzad Viqarunnisa Noon School and College EOS4TBDHK78 Not Selected
Sadakatul Jannat Ikra Viqarunnisa Noon School and College EOS4TBDHK227 Selected for The National Theater Round
Sadia alam Mirpur cantonment Public School and college EOS4TBDHK129 Not Selected
Sadia Zaman Viqarunnisa Noon School and College EOS4TBDHK342 Not Selected
Sadiah Hossain Eva Viqarunnesa Noon School & College EOS4TBDHK119 Not Selected
Sadika Binte Iftekhar Ideal School and College EOS4TBDHK211 Not Selected
Sadman Yousuf Sami Civil aviation college EOS4TBDHK38 Not Selected
Saera Maliha Morshed A.G Church School EOS4TBDHK87 Not Selected
Sahadat Hossain BAF Shaheen College EOS4TBDHK256 Selected for The National Theater Round
Saif Aminoor Reza Augmenta Education EOS4TBDHK364 Selected for The National Theater Round
Saifur Rahman Tamim Nirjhor Cantonment Public School and College EOS4TBDHK156 Not Selected
Saima Afrin Birshrestha Noor Mohammed Public College EOS4TBDHK282 Selected for The National Theater Round
Salma Jahan Disha Dhaka Commerce College EOS4TBDHK332 Not Selected
Salman Sifat Faridpur Muslim Mission College EOS4TBDHK314 Not Selected
Salman Sifat Faridpur Muslim Mission College EOS4TBDHK316 Not Selected
Sami Al-Amin Mirpur Cantonment Public School and College EOS4TBDHK163 Not Selected
Sami Rahman Birshreshtha Noor Mohammad Public College EOS4TBDHK294 Not Selected
Samira Hossain Augmenta Education O/A’ Levels EOS4TBDHK115 Not Selected
Samiya Huq Viqarunnisa Noon School and College EOS4TBDHK130 Not Selected
Sania Akter Rajdhani Mohila College EOS4TBDHK328 Not Selected
Sanjida Akter Riya Abdul Kadir Mollah City College EOS4TBDHK397 Not Selected
Sanjida Rahman Narsingdi BIAM Zila School & College EOS4TBDHK382 Not Selected
SARAH BINTE ZAMAN AKM Rahmat Ullah College EOS4TBDHK297 Selected for The National Theater Round
SARAH BINTE ZAMAN AKM Rahmat Ullah College EOS4TBDHK299 Not Selected
SATHI BANIK DHAKA CITY COLLEGE EOS4TBDHK121 Selected for The National Theater Round
Sayed Ahmad Notre Dame College,Dhaka EOS4TBDHK271 Not Selected
Sayor Islam Oitijhya Bir Shrestha nur Mohammad public college EOS4TBDHK64 Not Selected
Sayra Hassan Don Bosco EOS4TBDHK355 Selected for The National Theater Round
Sayra Zafreen NA EOS4TBDHK32 Selected for The National Theater Round
SEJUTI BARMAN Abdul Kadir Mollah City College EOS4TBDHK398 Selected for The National Theater Round
Serajjum Munira Mastermind English Medium School EOS4TBDHK304 Not Selected
Shadman Shahin BAF Shaheen College Dhaka EOS4TBDHK242 Selected for The National Theater Round
Shafin Junayen Notre Dame College EOS4TBDHK359 Selected for The National Theater Round
Shafin Nur Haidar Dhaka Residential Model College EOS4TBDHK251 Selected for The National Theater Round
Shah Mohammad Al-Jisam Abdul Kadir Mollah City College EOS4TBDHK399 Selected for The National Theater Round
Shah Waliullah Bayzid Dr. Mahbubur Rahman Mollah college EOS4TBDHK417 Selected for The National Theater Round
Shahidul Islam Khan Jisan Uttara High School and College EOS4TBDHK179 Not Selected
Shamanti Joya Barman American Standard International School EOS4TBDHK268 Not Selected
Shaoda Binte Mahabub Dhaka Cantonment Girls Public School and College. EOS4TBDHK97 Not Selected
Sharmila Islam Shiddeswari Girls College EOS4TBDHK425 Selected for The National Theater Round
Sharmin Islam Nidhi Abdul Kadir Mollah City College EOS4TBDHK407 Selected for The National Theater Round
Sheikh Fabiha Amreen Mirpur Cantt Public School and College EOS4TBDHK255 Selected for The National Theater Round
Sheikh Ishika Tasnim South Point School & College EOS4TBDHK415 Selected for The National Theater Round
Sheikh Ishtiak Ahmed Scholastica EOS4TBDHK198 Not Selected
Sheikh Nusrat Jahan Adrita South Point School & College EOS4TBDHK422 Not Selected
Sheikh Rezwan Morshed Dhaka College EOS4TBDHK351 Selected for The National Theater Round
Sheikh Tawhid Ahamed Alif St.Gregory High School And College EOS4TBDHK285 Not Selected
Shifaul Kabir Swapnil Bangladesh International School & College, Nirjhor EOS4TBDHK213 Not Selected
Shimu rahman Dhaka cantonment girls public school and college EOS4TBDHK94 Not Selected
shimul das mc college sylhet EOS4TBDHK209 Not Selected
Shireen Matirjhil Cadet EOS4TBDHK148 Not Selected
Shohila Tahnin Abdul Kadir Mollah City College EOS4TBDHK389 Selected for The National Theater Round
Shreya Dey Sarker Ideal School and College, Motijheel EOS4TBDHK146 Not Selected
Shuvojeet Sarker Rajuk Uttara Model College EOS4TBDHK254 Not Selected
Sidratul Muntaha Dia BACHA English Medium School EOS4TBDHK421 Selected for The National Theater Round
Somaiya Islam Mim Prodhan Narayanganj College EOS4TBDHK241 Selected for The National Theater Round
Sorbendu Deb Krish Notre Dame College EOS4TBDHK288 Not Selected
Sourav Mia Jamea Qusemia Kamil Madrasah, Narsingdi EOS4TBDHK170 Not Selected
Spondon Niharika Holy Cross College, Dhaka EOS4TBDHK265 Selected for The National Theater Round
Sufia Zaman Silvea Joydebpur Govt Mohila College EOS4TBDHK144 Not Selected
Suhain Zaman Australian International School EOS4TBDHK245 Not Selected
Suhita saha Scholastica EOS4TBDHK33 Selected for The National Theater Round
Sumaita Sameha Viquarunnisa Noon School and College EOS4TBDHK339 Not Selected
Sumaiya Ahmed Afra Holy Cross College EOS4TBDHK350 Selected for The National Theater Round
Sumanah Safi Chowdhury The Aga Khan School Dhaka EOS4TBDHK134 Not Selected
Sumaya Akter Rajdhani Mohila College EOS4TBDHK326 Not Selected
Sumit Biswas Dhaka Residential Model College EOS4TBDHK186 Selected for The National Theater Round
Sumit Biswas Dhaka Residential Model College EOS4TBDHK182 Not Selected
Suraiya Alam Holy Cross College EOS4TBDHK259 Not Selected
Suraiya Jahan Sweety Armed Police Battalion School & College EOS4TBDHK302 Selected for The National Theater Round
Susmita Rani Shrabonti Abdul Kadir Mollah City College EOS4TBDHK391 Selected for The National Theater Round
Sylvana Tamara Sahreen Mastermind EOS4TBDHK19 Not Selected
Taabiah Islam Lubaba Premier School Dhaka EOS4TBDHK206 Not Selected
Tafheema Tanzil Oxford International School EOS4TBDHK03 Not Selected
Tahiat Tarannum Urbita Holy Cross College EOS4TBDHK349 Not Selected
Tahirah Bint Sharif British Columbia School EOS4TBDHK369 Selected for The National Theater Round
Tahsan Ahmed St. Joseph Higher Secondary School EOS4TBDHK73 Not Selected
TAHSEEN ALAM EASHA EOS4TBDHK234 Selected for The National Theater Round
Taiba Khan BAF Shaheen College, Kurmitola EOS4TBDHK12 Not Selected
Taiyeba Tasnim Viqarunnisa Noon School and College EOS4TBDHK139 Not Selected
Tamanna Rahman Ideal School and College EOS4TBDHK110 Not Selected
Tanim Khan Engineering university school and college EOS4TBDHK20 Selected for The National Theater Round
Tanjila Akter Tarin Abdul Kadir Mollah City College EOS4TBDHK367 Not Selected
Tanjila Tasnim EOS4TBDHK289 Not Selected
Tanjim Hossain Rupnagar Goverment model school and college EOS4TBDHK168 Selected for The National Theater Round
Taseen Intisar Adamjee Cantonment College EOS4TBDHK204 Not Selected
Tasfia Nafi Rajuk Uttara Model College EOS4TBDHK169 Not Selected
Tasfia Rahman EOS4TBDHK379 Selected for The National Theater Round
Tasfiah Binte Aziz Adamjee Cantonment College 1717819419 Selected for The National Theater Round
Tasin Ferdoush Notre Dame College EOS4TBDHK405 Not Selected
Tasin Mazumder Notre Dame college EOS4TBDHK100 Not Selected
Tasmia Tabassum Saba Viqarunnisa Noon School and College EOS4TBDHK301 Not Selected
Tasmia Zaman (Tora) EOS4TBDHK157 Not Selected
Tasnim Ahsan Khan Diya Verticle Horizon EOS4TBDHK402 Selected for The National Theater Round
Tasnim Tabassum Sena Public School and College EOS4TBDHK07 Not Selected
Tasnimul Hosen Reedom National Ideal College EOS4TBDHK42 Selected for The National Theater Round
Tasnimul Hosen Reedom National Ideal College EOS4TBDHK43 Not Selected
Tauseef Ahmed khan Dhaka Residential Model College EOS4TBDHK162 Not Selected
Tirtha Pratim Mazumder Dr. Mahbubur Rahman Mollah College EOS4TBDHK126 Not Selected
Touhidul Islam Government Laboratory High School EOS4TBDHK322 Not Selected
Towfique Academia EOS4TBDHK228 Not Selected
Umaima Rab Tasveer Academy EOS4TBDHK420 Selected for The National Theater Round
Upoma chakma BAF SHAHEEN COLLEGE EOS4TBDHK197 Not Selected
Uthman Anan Haider Academia EOS4TBDHK335 Not Selected
Wadi Wohab Mastermind school EOS4TBDHK135 Not Selected
Wadi Wohab Mastermind School EOS4TBDHK201 Not Selected
Wasica Tahzib E.hub EOS4TBDHK413 Selected for The National Theater Round
Wealthy Chakma BAF Shaheen College,Kurmitola EOS4TBDHK176 Not Selected
Yeamun Islam Nitul Abdul Kadir Mollah city College EOS4TBDHK394 Selected for The National Theater Round
Yeamun Islam Nitul Abdul Kadir Mollah city College EOS4TBDHK393 Not Selected
Yousuf Abdullah Zarif Milestone School And College EOS4TBDHK174 Not Selected
Yusuf Hasan Aditta Abdul Kader mollah city College EOS4TBDHK437 Not Selected
Yusuf Hasan Aditta Abdul Kader mollah city College EOS4TBDHK440 Not Selected
Yusuf Hasan Aditta Abdul Kader mollah city College EOS4TBDHK443 Selected for The National Theater Round
Zahin Australian International School EOS4TBDHK235 Not Selected
Zaima Amzad Sunnydale school EOS4TBDHK175 Not Selected
Zannatul Mawya Moon St.Francis Xavier’s Girls’ school and College EOS4TBDHK250 Selected for The National Theater Round
Zara Mamnoon Oxford International School EOS4TBDHK371 Selected for The National Theater Round
Zara Zaman SFX Greenherald Intl School EOS4TBDHK79 Not Selected
Zarin Anjum BIAM Model School and College EOS4TBDHK262 Not Selected
Zarin tasnim maisha Dhaka city college EOS4TBDHK212 Not Selected
Zarir Bin Mizan Engineering University School and College EOS4TBDHK09 Selected for The National Theater Round
Zeba Afra KC Model School and College EOS4TBDHK260 Not Selected
Zeba Tahsin Saika Mohammadpur Preparatory School and College EOS4TBDHK334 Not Selected
Zharif Mahmud Navy Anchorage School and college Dhaka EOS4TBDHK202 Not Selected
Zidne Haque Srasto Abdul Kadir Mollah City College EOS4TBDHK370 Selected for The National Theater Round
Zihad Hasan Government Saience Collage 1835***054 Not Selected
Zunaira Zoharin South breeze EOS4TBDHK215 Not Selected

English Olympiad Season 4 Theater Rounds