English Olympiad Season 4 Selection Round Results, Trailblazers Group Cumilla

English Olympiad Season 4 Selection Round Results, Trailblazers Group Cumilla

We have published the names alphabetically rather than based on their marks.

All the selected participants can register for the Day-long Theater Round in Dhaka in a special arrangement. We will provide them Snacks (2 times), Lunch for Students and Guardians, A world-class Medal, a Mental Health T-Shirt, a Free ‘Think in English’ Course Worth 12000 BDT, 5 practical sessions, a Studio Record, A magazine with pictures of Achievers, a Certificate of Achievement, an EO badge, and other logistics.

English Olympiad Season 4 Theater Rounds

Name Institute Candidate Number Result
Abid Adham Bhuiyan Ispahani Public School And College 3668 Selected for The National Theater Round
Abid Talukder Cantonment College Cumilla 3693 Not Selected
Ahnaf Abdullah Ispahani Public School and College EOS4CTB038 Selected for The National Theater Round
Arifa Alam Cumilla Government College EOS4CTB042 Selected for The National Theater Round
Ashek Uzzaman Comilla Victoria Govt. College 3626 Selected for The National Theater Round
Asir Intisar Ispahani Public School And College 3681 Selected for The National Theater Round
Ayesha Mondal Anonti Ispahani Public School And College 3666 Selected for The National Theater Round
BM Abdullah Al Galib Ispahani Public School And College 3678 Selected for The National Theater Round
Debobrata Majumder Chandpur Government college EOS4CTB005 Not Selected
Debottam Banhi Sen Comilla Zilla School 3459 Not Selected
Durjoy Mia Kabi Nazrul Government College EOS4CTB001 Selected for The National Theater Round
Fabi Ahmed Ispahani Public School And College 3679 Selected for The National Theater Round
Fahmida Akter Cumilla Residential College EOS4CTB037 Not Selected
Fahmida Akter Samira Ispahani public school & College EOS4CTB021 Selected for The National Theater Round
Faiyaj Ahmed Ispahani public School And College 10109 Not Selected
Farhin Bintay Yousuf Comilla Victoria Government college EOS4CTB007 Selected for The National Theater Round
Fatema Sultana Cumilla Govt. Womens College 2875 Not Selected
Imad Ashraf Ispahani Public School and College 10102 Selected for The National Theater Round
Jannatul Ferdaus Cumilla Victoria Goverment College 3623 Selected for The National Theater Round
Jannatul Naeema Ibn Taimiya School And College EOS4CTB030 Not Selected
Jannatun Naime Al Amin Academy School And College EOS4CTB003 Selected for The National Theater Round
Kaisan Ur Rahman 3737 Not Selected
Kaniz Fatima Elma Alevels private candidate at British council EOS4CTB022 Not Selected
Khairul Islam Cumilla Victoria Goverment College 5295 Not Selected
KHAN ABDULLAH HEIL MAHI Cumilla govt.college EOS4CTB008 Selected for The National Theater Round
Lamia Binta Jakir Ispahani public School And College 3669 Not Selected
Mahbuba Islam Priya Hajiganj Govt. Model College EOS4CTB004 Not Selected
Maliha Tabassum Ispahani Public School And College 3664 Selected for The National Theater Round
Maria Sultana Cumilla Government Women’s College EOS4CTB029 Not Selected
Marioum Ullah Ispahani Public School And College 3651 Selected for The National Theater Round
MD Abdullah Ispahani Public School And College 3660 Not Selected
md faysal hasan nimsar junab ali college EOS4CTB033 Not Selected
MD Irfanur Rahman Ispahani Public School And College 3635 Selected for The National Theater Round
MD Israfil Mahmud Cumilla polytechnic Institute EOS4CTB024 Not Selected
Md Junaed Aiman Ispahani public School And College 10111 Selected for The National Theater Round
Md Ratul Hasan Saikat Nimsar Junab Ali College. EOS4CTB020 Not Selected
Md, Abir Ispahani Public School and College 3680 Selected for The National Theater Round
Md, Rakibul Islam Ispahani Public School and College 3662 Selected for The National Theater Round
Md, Rakibul Islam Ispahani Public School and College 3662 Not Selected
Md. Faysal hasan Nimsar junab ali college EOS4CTB032 Not Selected
Md. Iftekhar Hasan Bhuayan Cumiila Ideal College 1608020824 Selected for The National Theater Round
Md. Jakaria Sarkar Cumiila Ideal College EOS4CTB054 Not Selected
MD. Julker Neyen Jishan Ispahani Public School And College 5285 Not Selected
Md. Muntasir Mahmud Nehad Ispahani Public School and College 10103 Selected for The National Theater Round
Midhuri Sultana Cumilla Government City College EOS4CTB048 Selected for The National Theater Round
Mim Akter Chandpur Government Woman’s College EOS4CTB002 Selected for The National Theater Round
Mohammed Saad Cumilla Collectorate School and college EOS4CTB006 Selected for The National Theater Round
Most Fahmida Ahmed Riya Ispahani Public School And College 3663 Selected for The National Theater Round
Mostarina Akter Mim Ispahani Public School And College 3672 Selected for The National Theater Round
Mushfique Newaz Faiyaz Cumilla Goverment College EOS4CTB026 Not Selected
Nabila Chowdury Tanisha Ispahani school and College Cumilla EOS4CTB025 Not Selected
Nafiz Mahmud Ispahani public School And College 10110 Selected for The National Theater Round
Nahid Bin Shan Ispahani Public School And College, Cumilla EOS4CTB039 Selected for The National Theater Round
Nusrat Cumilla victoria govt collage EOS4CTB019 Not Selected
Nusrat Jahan Cumilla Victoria Goverment College 3639 Selected for The National Theater Round
Prithyi Goswami Ispahani public school and college EOS4CTB014 Not Selected
Prithyi Goswami Ispahani public school and college EOS4CTB018 Not Selected
Priya Rani Debnath Ispahani Public School And College 3656 Not Selected
Rafeed Zareef Ispahani Public School & College EOS4CTB012 Not Selected
Rayan Abdullah Galib Ispahani Public School and College EOS4CTB035 Selected for The National Theater Round
Rehnuma Tabassum Ispahani Public School and College EOS4CTB016 Selected for The National Theater Round
Riana Binte Hasan Ispahani Public School and College EOS4CTB027 Not Selected
Riana Binte Hasan Ispahani Public School and College EOS4CTB028 Not Selected
Robaiya Islam Ispahani Public School And College 3657 Not Selected
Ruhama Shahed Hoimo Cumilla Government College EOS4CTB034 Not Selected
Sadia Islam Lamiya Cumilla Victoria Goverment College 3640 Not Selected
Sadman Ahmed Comilla Government College EOS4CTB023 Selected for The National Theater Round
Samia Islam Baruara Abdul Moutim Khusro College EOS4CTB049 Not Selected
Samia Tabassum Ispahani Public School And College 3667 Selected for The National Theater Round
Sanjida hossain oishee Cumilla government women’s College. EOS4CTB031 Not Selected
Sarah Nur N/A, Private Candidate for International A Levels EOS4CTB036 Not Selected
Shahmin Sabira Nokshe Cumilla Government College EOS4CTB015 Selected for The National Theater Round
Shakib Muhtadi Ispahani Public School And College 5284 Selected for The National Theater Round
Shawki Sayeed Cumilla Government Women’s College EOS4CTB041 Selected for The National Theater Round
Tahmid Taj Moon Ispahani public School And College 10112 Selected for The National Theater Round
Tashfia Hannat Cumilla Victoria Goverment College 3638 Not Selected
Taslima Rahman Limu Ibn Taimiya School and College EOS4CTB011 Not Selected
Tasnia Mollah Naisa Cumilla Victoria Government College EOS4CTB009 Selected for The National Theater Round
Tasnia Mollah Naisa Cumilla Victoria Government College EOS4CTB017 Not Selected
Umme Jahinur Juthe Shahebabadpur Degree College EOS4CTB013 Not Selected
Zihad Hossen Government Science college EOS4CTB040 Not Selected

English Olympiad Season 4 Theater Rounds